The eHealth Centre of Excellence; Caredove Inc; Ontario Health; and the Home and Community Support Innovation Centre have partnered to enable health care practitioners in the North East to send patient referrals electronically (eReferrals) to community support services agencies.
The Ocean eReferral solution is now integrated with Caredove’s referral management platform. Clinicians can send referrals for many community support service programs with ease by searching for the program/service of interest on the Ocean Healthmap and choosing “Send eReferral”.
The sender initiates the eReferral from the Ocean eReferral Network and the referral information is received and reviewed by the community support services provider in the Caredove platform. The community support services provider will assess the referral and will contact the patient to book an appointment if necessary.
Meals and Home Help
Meals on wheels, group dining, home maintenance & repair, housekeeping, shopping, telephone reassurance
Daytime Activities
Falls prevention, friendly visiting, rides and transportation, seniors’ community care, seniors’ gentle exercise
Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Alzheimer’s/Dementia services, overnight stay respite, younger onset dementia
Other Services
Attendant services, foot care, hospital transition home, individual/family counselling, support groups