Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) in Northern Ontario face a unique set of circumstances, including rural and remote settings. For those who want to include caregivers, it can be challenging to know where to start. In this session you’ll learn how the Ontario Caregiver Organization can help you do just that, while gaining practical tips and strategies to engage, include, and support caregivers at the local, regional, and system level.
By the end of this session, you’ll leave with:
• A deeper understanding of caregivers’ role in our health system, backed by evidence
• Clarity on how the Ontario Caregiver Organization can help your OHT include and support caregivers
• Practical resources and tools designed to advance caregiver inclusion in OHTs
• Connections with other OHTs and organizations in the North who are committed to caregiver inclusion
This webinar is uniquely designed for:
• OHT leadership and administration
• Caregivers and Patient Partners involved in Ontario Health Team planning and development
• OHT community partner organizations and care providers
Date: Wednesday, June 12th, 2024
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET
Place: Zoom (link provided via
email to those who register)
Cost: Free
For more information, please contact info@ontariocaregiver.ca